Saturday 20 July 2013

Keeping Dogs Cool in the Cornish Heatwave

We have been so lucky having beautiful weather in Cornwall.  Its a great time to really enjoy our best friends in the lovely sunshine.

It is sooo important to make sure our four legged friends are comfortable in this heat after all they already have a fur coat on, we have put together some top tips on keeping your dogs cool.

This is by no means a complete list and you really must do what is right for your dog as like us every dog is individual.   We would love to hear any other tips you have as the more we have the more we can help others.

  • Shady Dog
Some might think this is obvious but making sure your dog has access to shade is really important to help reduce his/her temperature.  We have seen many dogs tied up with no shade which is really not fair.

  • Wet Dog
Fresh water should be available at all times, our dogs love really cool water so we sometimes put ice cubes in it - just like us they enjoy a refreshing drink.

Some dogs don't like to drink too much so a great tip is to offer small amounts of water with their favourite food in it or a touch of milk, I have yet to see a dog refuse these!

    Dog cool down at Cornish Beach
    Cool Down at on a Cornish Beach

  • Hot Footed Dog
When its hot hot hot out there the concrete and roads can get to an unbearable temperature, and we have seen some dogs actually burn their paw pads.  Its a simple way to test if its ok to walk your dog on the roads - try it out on your feet first.  If its too hot for you then it probably is for your dog too.

  • Early & Late Walkies
Its a great idea to get up early or leave walking to late evening so that you miss that midday heat.  This also helps to avoid meeting any Adders although in this heat there is always a risk.  See our blog post about Adders here.
Most dogs love getting into water in this weather so try to plan your walk near a stream, lake or beach for a cool down dip.

  • Travelling Dog
If you have to take your dog in the car, try to keep it as cool as possible using your air conditioning or opening windows to a save level, making sure your dog can't harm themselves. If you dog travels in a cage you can use cooling fans which help to cool things down.  Try to make water available especially if you are going on long journeys.
Its a good idea to put reflective barriers on your windows so when you and your dog gets in the temperature is much reduced.

Never leave your dog unattended in the car within minutes it can become a dangerous hot level and can be fatal.
RSPCA Dogs die in hot cars Cornwall
Dogs Die In Hot Cars - RSPCA

  • Garden Cool Down
If your enjoying the sunshine in your garden you can always get a paddling pool for your dogs.
To encourage them to use it add their favourite toys and get ready for the splash!

  • Dog Ices 
For the pampered pooch you can always make dog ices by using their favourite food mixed with some water into the freezer.  They will love eating it while we are making sure they cool down.

  • Hair Dog Do
If you dog has long hair and is suffering with the heat treat them to a shorter hair cut which will help them cool down.  Even a nice cool bath can make them feel better.

  • Cooling Reflective Coats
If you are out with your dog you can always let them wear a cooling coat which helps to reflect the sun and reduce their temperature. These work well if you are at dog shows waiting for your class.

  • Cooling Beds
There are some beds on the market that claim to cool your dogs down, we have not tried these but might be worth looking into them.

We hope these tips have helped you call down your best friends, if you have any other tips please feel free to share to help others.  Most of all make sure you enjoy this lovely weather safely with your best friends.